Monday, April 11, 2011

Waning Love

 Words inspired from the situation of another.. sad but true.

Hanging onto the waning love
Little left between the two
A rolling tear escapes the eye
Days and years have gone by

Her heart brims over for him

No words are said in return
The world fades in his presence
To her, he is all

The empty silence echoes hard

through the walls of a  broken heart
she yearns for a fulfilling love
He heeds not to this frantic call

Wake up, oh loved one

And feel her love
Here today, gone tomorrow
Before it's later than ever

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Girl friends et al..

"A good friend is cheaper than therapy!" - Author Unknown

To all my girl friends..from my past and the present. Life's incomplete without a girl friend to share your journey with.

To share a hug or shed a tear
Spread a smile or console a fear;

To window shop or gossip a bit
Helping u find the perfect fit.

To do your hair or paint your toes
Sharing each others' endless woes.

To handle a chore or head outdoors
Just hanging out on a day of sorts.

In times of despair or joyous glee
The more the merrier are we!